TB: Who was the first rapper you ever heard and said " That's what i want to do"
K: I'd have to say Nas, right whe Illmatic came out. i liked Hip Hop before ..but it was when i heard Nas' flow ..i was like "That's what i wanted to do right there"
TB: Where did you grow up?
K: I was born and raised in Syracuse, New York
TB: What was the hip hop scene up there like?
K: In Upstate New York the hip hop scene wasn't very strong..Cats from New Jersey transplanted up here and the scene is starting to grow a little bit.
TB: What was the struggle like coming into the industry?
K: The struggle was just trying to be heard as an MC. Another struggle was trying to get the consumers attention.
TB: When did you get your first deal?
K: I got a management deal first. My first recording deal was with Petite Rock Recordings. I'm now a CEO of Senate Records
TB: Now you worked with Ginuwine, how did that come about?
K: I hooked up with G through an acquaintance. A friend of mine was an R&B artist. She actually had Ginuwine's contact information from when she met him a couple years back. It wasn't his direct contact info ..it was his A&R's contact info. I sent my demo package to his A&R ..Not even two days went by and they called me on the phone. They said 'We love your music..we want to work with you". That was pretty much how it went down. G was like " I would love for you to jump on my new album". We did a track and he finished the album. It was definitely a good look.
TB: What are your goals for the future?
K: LONGEVITY... I look at everybody that's in the industry and they have short careers. Artists like Jay Z, Nas, LL Cool J and even Ginuwine have longevity in the game. I want to change with the times and make music as long as i can.
TB: Tell everybody what you got poppin now?
K: I'm putting out an online store with all my material that i did back in the day (before Ginuwine). So cop it when it comes out..yaaa heard.
Ginuwine's :The Bachelor 20'th Anniversary Mix on Inet 6 WSTR Radio (For Promo Use Only)