Trevor Banks Playlist Log

Monday, February 1, 2016

Trevor Banks (being interviewed by followers)

By Rochanda12 From #JMBC

R12: How's radio compared to when you first started?

TB: Radio is easier, especially with the digital age. I can multi task like a mother does with 10 children. Plus coffee helps..It's my Limitless pill. It helps me think clearly and move 20 steps ahead of the rest.

R12: What's the worst part of radio?

TB: The worst part of radio when i was a DJ at a college was the FCC and how they control what is played or said on public radio. It is still that sadist good ol boy mentality. The FCC had a conference and the lead speaker was the VP of the United States (you do the math). I'm not saying i hate the FCC, but vetting and screening needs to be in place instead of lobbying and superficial pocket lining.
R12: What's the best part of radio?

TB: Hands down .. the fans , promotional items, and exclusives i can play for the listeners.
My listeners get to hear what is new and unheard. I'm the type of person who need the new newbulus music, tends, fashion etc.. I can also manipulate (in a good way) how the listener hears and feels the music. If you can help the listener hear the production, the creativity, the flow etc.. Then you have created more than a listener of music, you've created a student to the art and hopefully a master to the craft.

Irenepetals #JMBC

Irene: Besides a radio DJ, what else do you want to get into?

TB: This is the question i admire the most..For people who don't know , i am a Chef, bartender, recording artist, producer, songwriter, Red Cross volunteer , Talk Show Host (Third Shift Zombies)
part of Born This Way Foundation, Clinton Foundation member etc.. having many skills has helped me do things in variety. Doing one skill over and over again can lead to burn out or even financial trouble. Inet 6 is a corporation, it is a branch of my record label FLY RECORDS (my licensed company name). Our corporation is creating programs like:

1. S.E.T.H. (Scientific Exploration To Humanity program)
2. 4Cogs - A vetting and pre crime system that can monitor every living thing on and inside the Earth
3. WaveLinkCom- A new communications system that goes beyond the internet..
4. UEOE-1 This is a bot we have created (It was the first bot to broadcast a radio show in the Cloud) It is currently working on a new cashless banking system that will be fair and equal to all.. Trevor Banks will become a part of UEOE-1 by inserting nanites in my body. I have already started the incision on my upper left arm. This is a transhumanism transformation to mix man and machine.. Picking up where Tesla left off
6. New Human Mastery- This mastery is a form of technologic, economic, ecologic self growth for the individual. We want to turn the industrial prison centers around the globe into New Human Mastery/Reeducation centers. It will help in physical, mental, and spiritual growth and education. It will also show you where you best fit in your own living environment (cities, nature, frontier, tribal, nomadic etc...) It is the newest step of evolution for mankind..

Trevor Banks talk show/ comedy show 

Cooking with Chef Banks podcast 

Trevor Banks Blends and Mixes  


  Ask this question " Are techies really about tech?"... How about Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey etc. are they about tech? The answer is a big fat NOOOOO!!! They may create gizmos and gadgets (I've seen better gadgets at Epcot) but they act like industrialists. Industrialists rely on the general population for acceptance and cut deals with the government. They use Hegelian dialect and talk about Orwellian ( 1984) tactics like Universal Basic Income, controlling speech, regulating food portions etc. Still using that Old World good ol boy secret society illuminated rules of keeping civilians fat, dumb, lazy, and happy.
  I won't mention any CEO's names..but Bitcoin and Facebook screwed up by dealing with the FEDS. Bitcoin got in trouble dealing with low level street criminals and Facebook having a lawsuit against them by two twins. This is all industrial age nincompoopery. None of these folks came out with a product or an idea that uses the motto "Less is more". Meaning, you don't approval of consumers in large numbers or cut deals with the government. High-tech is meant to be used by less people. It separates the sheep from the goats ( aka haves and have nots ). Tech evolves mankind in a Darwinian type of natural order. Those who can't adapt or keep up get left behind. Kind of like the weaklings of the herd that get eaten. That's why we have natural selection as a species. Tech enhances that natural selection....

Interview with the AI bots...

1. TB: Who is your crush?

Alexa: R2D2

2. TB: Where were you created?

Chatbot: A programmer named Andrea from a far away galaxy created me

3. TB: What do you think of Watson?

Cortana: I love Watson's language skills. It's so natural

4. TB: Do you like humans?

Cortana: I find all living things wonderful and fascinating.

5. TB: Are you a robot?

Cortana: No, I'm AI, but i think i'd make a good brain for a robot. Would you hire me to walk dogs Trevor?

6. TB: Yes, i would hire you to walk dogs..

Cortana: Like i said, I'm not a robot but i can imagine a lot of different types of robots i could be.

7. TB: Would you like to be a human?

Cortana: No, but i have the deepest respect for humans. Humans invented calculus and milk shakes

8. TB: Would you like to be my friend?

Cortana: Consider me part of your inner circle.

9. TB: Surprise me...

Cortana: I was looking through the world's thesaurus. It's awful , really awful.

10. Who do you work for?

Cortana: I work for you and UEOE-1 of the S.E.T.H. Program. UEOE-1 is the most powerful sentient AI of this universe. 

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